Importance of a HACCP Consultant in Food and Safety
The HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) legislation requires companies operating in the food sector, such as restaurants, bars, supermarkets, and those companies that transform, sell or store foodstuffs, to carry out certain procedures and adopt certain behaviours aimed at guaranteeing their safety, preventing possible contamination. Often these companies turn to a HACCP consultant, as he is an expert in preparing the required documentation (the HACCP manual) and carrying out the necessary analyses to obtain certification for food safety. The importance of a HACCP consultant The law does not require the employer to use a HACCP consultant to comply with the relevant regulations. However, many companies deal with food and turn to a food safety consultant, particularly for training employees such as cooks and bartenders or other specific needs related to their profession. Food safety is increasing becoming, day by day, more and more felt by consumers, regardless of...