ISO 27001 Certification in Saudi Arabia
The Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electro technical Commission (IEC) collaborated to produce an international information security standard known as the ISO 27001:2013. (IEC). The full name of this standard is ISO/IEC 27001:2013, as the most recent edition was issued in 2013. (with a few minor changes made in 2017). By virtue of being ISO 27001 Certification in Saudi Arabia, a company has demonstrated that it has implemented an Information Security Management System that meets the highest standards (ISMS). Prevent humiliating security lapses. Human mistake, criminal assaults, and system flaws can all lead to data breaches. These lapses in security have the potential to have a significant negative impact on public confidence. To protect your company's reputation and prevent embarrassing and perhaps catastrophic data leaks, you should do everything you can to prevent hacking, cyber assaults, and unintentional breaches of your data. Take care not...